How Does Emily Dickinson Define Poetry?

How Does Emily Dickinson Define Poetry?

How Does Emily Dickinson Define Poetry

How Does Emily Dickinson Define Poetry?

Emily Dickinson, known for her insightful and often unconventional perspectives, did not provide a single, definitive definition of poetry. However, scattered across her letters and poems are reflections that offer glimpses into her understanding of this art form.

In one of her letters, Dickinson famously remarked, "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry." This statement encapsulates Dickinson's visceral and emotional approach to poetry. For her, poetry wasn't merely a cerebral exercise but a profound, soul-stirring experience that could elicit intense emotional responses.

Furthermore, Dickinson emphasized the power of brevity in poetry, stating, "After great pain, a formal feeling comes. The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs." This inclination towards succinctness and the ability to distill complex emotions into a few carefully chosen words aligns with her own poetic style.

In a poem, she writes:

 "Tell all the Truth but tell it slant —

Success in Circuit lies

Too bright for our infirm Delight

The Truth's superb surprise"

Here, Dickinson seems to suggest that the truth in poetry should be conveyed indirectly, allowing the reader to grasp its brilliance gradually. This notion reflects her belief in the subtle, nuanced nature of poetic expression.

While Emily Dickinson's Poetry might not have offered a formal definition of poetry, her musings and poetic creations collectively reveal a deep reverence for the emotional impact of carefully crafted words and the ability of poetry to illuminate profound truths through its unique and evocative language. 0 0 0. How Does Emily Dickinson Define Poetry?

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